Bering Storm Project and Research Cruise
Overall Project summary
The goal of this 3-year project is to understand the ancient and historic record of extreme storm events along the Aleutian Islands and how storm frequency and intensity have changed. This work will help communities plan for future storm scenarios that may result from rapid climate change.
The project will include:
A research cruise aboard the R/V Sikuliaq planned for late July thru late August 2022. The round-trip voyage from Seward to Adak and back again will include research activities and sediment core collection at sites along the route.
Local knowledge holder participation in the research cruise.
Installation of instrumentation (wave/wind buoys, barometric pressure and water level guages) that provide real-time data regarding storm conditions.
Professionally produced educational videos and a portable museum exhibit focused on changes in regional storminess
Please refer to summary (button below) for more information
Research Cruise Underway!
The team is currently sailing aboard the R/V Sikqulliaq past the Chigniks running along the Alaska Peninsula headed to Unalaska Island. Please consider following their voyage on social media:
Twitter: https://twitter.com/beringseastorms