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According to Article IV in the Constitution of the Qawalangin Tribe of Unalaska, a Qawalangin Tribal Member shall consist of:
All persons of Aleut descent whose names appear on the 1940 Census, the World War II Evacuee Roll and the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (ANCSA) Roll
To qualify to become a Tribal Member, you must be a lineal descendant of an enrolled Tribal Member and fill out the Enrollment Application.
The Tribal Enrollment Committee reviews Membership applications and Council votes based on the qualifications of the applicant.

We ask of Tribal Members to ensure personal information is kept up to date. This includes:
Physical address, telephone number, email address
Name changes
Membership discontinuation (we prohibit dual tribal membership)
Membership Process
To become a Tribal member, please drop off or send the documents listed below in the Application Package. Mailed documents will be copied and originals will be returned. After an application is received, the Tribal Council decides on enrollment applications during the Council Monthly Meeting.
Application Package:
1. Membership application form (click here for the form)
2. Original birth certificate (dropped off or mailed)
3. Color copy of a BIA CIB card.
4. Color copy of a photo ID
5. Family tree
Membership applications are free.
If accepted as a tribal member, Tribal ID cards are free.
Tribal ID Card
For an ID card, please fill out the Tribal Identification Card Request Form to drop off , email, or mail to our office along with passport type digital photo picture with good resolution.
Dual Membership
The Qawalangin Tribe prohibits dual membership.
Tribal Enrollment
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