The right way to live as Unangax
Ugigdada - Share
Tutada - Listen
Adluudaĝiĝulux - Don't lie
Agitaasiin sismida - Help others
Igilnaaĝnatxin - Don't be greedy
Kadaan axtaaĝanax̂txin - Don't get ahead of yourself
Agitaasitxin ix̂amnaasada - Be kind to other people
Maamin ax̂tanatxin madada - Don't make promises quickly & keep those you make
Ludakiimin axtax̂ samtaax̂txichin - Respect elders including parents, teachers, and community
Slax̂, agadax̂, tugidax̂, kayux sdan tunum manginulux kuga iĝadĝulux - Don't talk bad about the weather or the sun, the moon, or the stars
Anĝaĝiisanatxin anĝaĝim agitaasingin agachan liidalix anĝaĝiisada - Live like you want people to see you live
Tuman tangax̂ agliisax̂txin - Take care of the water
Tuman alaĝux̂ agliisaax̂txin - Take care of the sea/ocean
Kayutuux̂txin - Be strong
Txin ugutada - Be happy
Agitaasiin samtasaax̂txin - Respect your peers
Chxadalgaax̂txin - Don't steal
Txin anguynix̂taĝulux - Don't be boastful
Adux̂tanaan akidada - Pay your debts
Agitaasiin matanangin imin gidux̂iisalagada -Don't be envious of what belongs to another
Anĝaĝix̂ ix̂amnax̂ ix̂talix kayux ix̂amnax̂ manaa imin ugutaasalix aax̂txin - Admire one who does well by honest means
Iĝayuux̂txin, anĝim atxaĝingin agachan madada -Do the things you know are right
Agitaasaan adaan tunum ix̂amnanginulux iĝadĝulux - Don't slander another person
Manachin ilam axtalakan agliisaachin - Do not do anything to excess
Tuman tanax̂ agliisax̂ txin - Take care of the land
Tunuun ugunux̂talakan anĝaĝiix̂txin - Don't forget your Unangan language
Qaqamiiĝux̂ - Subsistence